Below are two videos I recorded for a mentor–and more importantly, good friend–Linda Dulye. Linda, a Syracuse University graduate, is an incredible entrepreneur who runs the Dulye Leadership Experience for Syracuse University juniors and seniors every year. Having graduated from the DLE last year, I have first-hand experience in how beneficial the program is for students about to face real-world pressure. Make no mistake about it, the working world is dramatically different than college.
Both videos are less than 10 minutes long each and easy to digest.
The first video tackles how to get an interview, and how to separate yourself from others applying for the position. I used these methods to land a job with a Fortune 50 company, and I have roughly 8 years less experience than my closest team member. Check it out!
The second video details success tactics for the first 100 days on the job. Since college is so drastically different than the real world, it can be tough to adapt to a new, 9-5 working environment. Includes tips on how to deal with inner-office politics, two bosses, a diverse team, and a stressful work environment.
QOD: What do you now know about about the working world you wish you knew when you first graduated?
Pretty impressive, all that you learned there. I’ve been in the workplace a long time and didn’t know a lot of it. I like the point about respecting other generations. Our ideas may seem archaic to some, but the experience of working for so many years, can offer valuable insight to kids just entering the work force. I’d like to thank Linda and the others too. As a parent, I got stressed out after you graduated, hoping you’d get a job-soon-and one that you would like. And you got to go to a Facebook convention, how cool is that!